Smiling Health Benefits

Smiling improves blood flow, which, in turn, increases the number of white blood cells circulating in the body.

Most people smile when feeling joyous about a particular situation. Other times, it’s a conscious decision. Regardless of how a smile occurs, it’s usually a mood booster that relieves anxiety. But what people don’t know is that smiling also has health benefits.

Here are some health benefits of smiling:

Improve Mental Well-Being

Smiling flexes facial muscles. This movement sends signals to the brain that an individual is in a happy situation. In response, the brain releases feel-good hormones such as dopamine and endorphins. These hormones minimize the stress hormone cortisol and improve mental well-being.

In addition, smiling elevates the mood, creating a positive and relaxed state of mind.

Boost Blood Circulation

The positive emotions that come with smiling increase the heart rate, making the blood vessels widen to handle the increased blood volume. The result is an efficient supply of oxygen and nutrients to the body’s organs. In addition, dilated blood vessels help to lower blood pressure.

Strengthen the Body’s Defenses

Smiling improves blood flow, which, in turn, increases the number of white blood cells circulating in the body. These white blood cells are the first line of defense to protect the body. Along with raising immune cell levels, improvements to the body’s defense system also mean receiving a boost to antibodies to fight infections.

Also, the immune system doesn’t have to work harder to fight illnesses when the body is less stressed.

Relieve Pain

Feel-good hormones like serotonin and endorphins relieve the pain naturally, and smiling can release these chemicals into the body. These hormones also promote relaxation; in physical pain, they can help lessen the severity.

Increase Longevity and Well-Being

Smiling improves the quality of life. Healthwise, it reduces stress and the risk of contracting heart and infectious diseases. Socially, it makes a person approachable. This helps to build strong relationships and provide a sense of belonging. Also, smiling gives an individual a positive outlook toward life.

Improve Concentration

In most cases, when a person is anxious or stressed, the ability to concentrate on a single thought or activity decreases. Such a mental state reduces productivity and the ability to work efficiently.

By smiling, the feel-good hormones promote a more relaxed state, making concentrating possible. In addition, an elevated mood increases the motivation to start and finish a task.

Gain a Youthful Appearance

Smiling flexes facial muscles. Smiling more tones facial muscles and reduces the appearance of stress lines. This makes a person look younger and more attractive. Better still, it boosts self-confidence.

Keep Smiling for Better Health!

Besides making a person look friendly and attractive, smiling has multiple health benefits. Anyone who wants to enjoy these benefits should safeguard their smile. They can do this by visiting the dentist regularly and making smiling part of their lifestyle.

If you need a gentle, caring dental team, please call Jennifer Fineberg’s office at (623) 362-2550. We’ll give you the very best dental care we can!


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