Why You Should Have Your Teeth Professionally Cleaned


As our technology has evolved, the average consumer now has access to much more sophisticated dental cleaning supplies than ever before. Rotating, oscillating toothbrushes, water irrigators, and whitening products may delude the consumer into believing they do not need professional dental care.

Periodontal disease

Tartar and plaque buildup doesn’t have outward symptoms. This buildup causes changes to the teeth and gums, which aren’t noticeable until the amount of tartar increases enough to press on the gums. During brushing and flossing, the patient may begin to notice a bit of blood. Eventually, the gums recede, and the more sensitive part of the tooth is exposed. Hot and cold foods may make these teeth sensitive. Finally, the tooth will loosen and may need to be extracted.

Professional cleaning

The patient who has regular professional cleaning will have ultrasonic cleaning with the most advanced professional equipment available. Ultrasonic cleaning uses a device that sends ultrasonic waves into a small tip, causing it to vibrate at supersonic speed, and that breaks up the food remnants and heavy tartar deposits on the tooth surface.

The only time manual cleaning is used in cases of severe tooth sensitivity or during a deep cleaning, called root planing, since ultrasonic equipment cannot reach as deeply into the gums as manual tools.

Following tartar removal, the surface of the teeth becomes rough and susceptible to food particle accumulation and tooth decay. To prevent this, the dentist will use a polishing tool with a special paste to polish teeth. The polish protects the teeth from clingy food particles and gives them a beautiful shine.

Cleaning frequency

The question of how often a person should have professional cleaning is based on their dental care, their eating habits, and their predisposition to tartar buildup. Even the shape and position of the teeth can create areas that a patient will struggle to keep clean. As a person ages, their needs for cleaning may change, as well.

The best way to know how frequently to have professional cleaning is to ask your dentist. She will tell you if you need to have your teeth cleaned more often than every six months to a year.

After the cleaning procedure

Following cleaning, the spaces occupied by the tartar may be empty for a couple of days until the gums return to their original position. A patient may be able to feel these spaces, especially on the inner side of the lower front teeth. During this time, the teeth may feel sensitive to hot and cold food. But, excellent oral hygiene with a fluoride toothpaste will help control the gum inflammation and lessen sensitivity.

If you need a gentle, caring dental team, please call Jennifer Fineberg’s office at (623) 362-2550. We’ll give you the very best dental care we can!


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