Dental Restoration Options for Your Best Smile

Dental care professionals use various dental restoration options to fix cosmetic and structural teeth problems. A person may require tooth repair for several reasons, including decay, deterioration, accidental damage, stains, overcrowding, or fracture. Dental restoration includes any procedure designed to restore the natural teeth aesthetics and functionality and prevent further damage and decay.

A dentist can determine the type of restoration needed depending on the nature and severity of dental damage. Restorative dentistry helps improve the dental structure, eliminates discomfort, and improves tooth appearance. 

Let's discuss the top five popular dental restoration options to fix missing or damaged teeth:


Dental fillings are the most common dental restoration options for treating minor cavities and infections. They are affordable, safe, and minimally invasive dental restoration procedures. A dentist first removes the decayed portion and then fills in the hole with other substances to prevent the damage from worsening. Most people usually go for composite resin filling, a tooth-colored material that looks natural and less noticeable. Other options include amalgam fillings, gold fillings, and ceramic. A dental professional can determine the correct type of filling for your teeth. Dental fillings typically last around a decade with adequate care.


Dental crowns or tooth caps are placed on top of damaged teeth to cover them entirely for protection from further harm. A person may need a dental crown for cavities too large for a filing, severely weakened, worn down, decayed, or cracked teeth, cover a dental implant, or a tooth treated with a root canal. Caps are generally made from ceramic and porcelain but are also available in metal. The cost, strength, and durability are a few factors to consider while choosing the crown. These tooth-shaped caps restore functionality. 

Dental bridges

A dentist uses a dental bridge to replace or cover gaps created due to one or more missing teeth. Dental bridges are custom-made and can restore proper bite and natural teeth contour. They have artificial teeth anchored with the support of natural and healthy teeth, covered with crowns, on both sides of the gap. Dental bridges consist of porcelain, metal alloys, or gold for strength and durability. 

Composite bonding

Dental bonding is an effective method to repair a decayed, cracked, chipped, or deformed tooth, stained and discolored teeth, or gaps between teeth. The procedure is chosen mainly for cosmetic purposes. The process uses resins to repair or rebuild a damaged tooth. It is a non-invasive procedure, and the dentist applies the composite to the tooth in layers and hardens it.


Dental implants are a modern dental restoration alternative to traditional dentures and bridges to replace missing teeth. These implants are titanium posts anchored into the bone to act as a tooth root. Furthermore, they create a solid foundation for an artificial tooth. Although the process requires significant time, money, and effort, the results are worth everything. Dental implants look, feel, and function like your natural teeth and last for decades. Implants are beneficial for replacing a single tooth, multiple teeth, or supporting a bridge or removable denture.

Other popular dental restoration options include dentures, dental veneers, inlays, and overlays.

Other popular dental restoration options include dentures, dental veneers, inlays, and overlays.

Explore your dental restoration options

Nowadays, people have countless options to repair their worn, decayed, damaged, or missing teeth. Schedule a consultation with an experienced dentist if you want to improve the appearance and functionality of your teeth.

If you need a gentle, caring dental team, please call Jennifer Fineberg’s office at (623) 362-2550. We’ll give you the very best dental care we can!


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