Are Teeth the Same as Bones or Not?

Teeth and bones have a few things in common. They both contain calcium and are the two hardest substances in the body. Bones and teeth are also the same color. Consequently, teeth are often mistaken for being bones because of these commonalities. But teeth are not bones.

We will provide an overview of the composition of teeth and bones and explain why they are not the same despite the similarities.

The anatomy of teeth

Teeth are not living tissue, but they contain these four types of tissue:

  • Enamel

  • Cementum

  • Dentin

  • Pulp

Enamel is the hardest matter in the body, but it does not have nerves and cannot repair itself. A damaged tooth needs fixing as soon as possible because teeth do not regenerate. It's also one of the main reasons dental professionals stress the importance of maintaining good oral hygiene.

Another teeth tissue is cementum. The cementum is under the gum line, covering the tooth's root. As the name implies, cementum also helps teeth stay in place.

Dentin consists of microscopic tubes that are beneath the enamel and cementum. Enamel acts as the protective covering for dentin. Nerves and cells inside the tooth are exposed if dentin loses enamel, resulting in pain and sensitivity to hot, cold, and sticky food.

Enamel, cementum, and dentin are hard tissue. However, the fourth tissue found in teeth, pulp, is a soft tissue in the tooth's center. It contains blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissue.

What components can we find in bones?

Bones are living tissue, unlike teeth. The main components of bone tissue are collagen and calcium phosphate. Together, they give bones strength and flexibility. However, teeth do not contain collagen.

Collagen supplies the body's core functions, while calcium is a mineral that keeps bones strong. It is the most abundant mineral in the body and essential to the structure of teeth and bones. But calcium is not used in bones the same way it impacts the teeth.

For instance, humans regenerate bones throughout their lives. When old bone tissue breaks down, new tissue replaces it. Calcium helps strengthen regenerated tissue and secures bones that are healing.

Bone marrow is another substance not found in teeth. Marrow is an organ with a spongy texture that fills various bones in the body. Red and white blood cells are produced by stem cells in the bone marrow. Bone marrow is a vital organ to fight infection, move oxygen, and clot blood.

Are teeth a type of bone?

Teeth and bones are composed differently. They do not serve the same purpose in the body. Bones do not heal the same way as teeth and are cared for differently.

The short answer to the question is that teeth are not bones. However, healthy teeth are vital to overall health. Poor oral hygiene negatively impacts teeth. Neglecting dental health could lead to severe illnesses like heart disease.

Take care of your teeth and take care of your health

Regular visits to the dentist help avoid serious health problems, but the first step is to visit a local dentist. Once there, you'll get a professional evaluation and treatment plan. Follow the dentist's recommendations for continued oral health. Bright teeth, fresh breath, and a pain-free smile are the bonuses.

If you need a gentle, caring dental team, please call Jennifer Fineberg’s office at (623) 362-2550. We’ll give you the very best dental care we can!


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