Home Remedies for Dental Pain
Ground cloves mixed with a little olive oil.
A number of reasons can cause you to feel pain from your tooth. The leading cause, of course, is decay, especially if it reaches the nerve (or pulp) of the tooth, and if an infection or an abscess occurs, that’s when the pain becomes unbearable. Another reason for a toothache is gum disease, which is the inflammation of the tissues (gums and bone) around the tooth because bacteria from food remnants can get stuck in the gums and cause quite significant pain. Another common reason is tooth breakage if you bite down on something hard, the sensitivity increases over time, and the pain becomes annoying.
It is important to know that dental pain is the second worst pain that a human being can feel from a disease, the only illness that tops its pain is renal colic.
What Should I do when I feel a toothache?
The very first thing you should do is to make an appointment to visit your dentist or dental hygienist. They are professionally trained and can figure out what problem your tooth is facing, and develop an appropriate treatment plan.
Not all of us have the time or can make ourselves available at a moment’s notice to make a dental appointment, so here are a few things you can do by yourself at home using herbs and stuff that is present in every house. These could provide some form of pain relief, just until you get a chance to go to the dentist:
Warm salt water
Cloves have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antioxidant and soothing properties that help alleviate tooth pain and fight infection. They are a primary ingredient in some pastes and types of cement that are used by the dentist.
All you have to do is grind a couple of cloves, mix them with olive oil, and apply them to the affected tooth or gums, either directly or by using a cotton swab.
Salt Water:
Mixing half a cup of warm water with a tablespoon of salt has the properties to alleviate the pain and make a wound heal faster. The dentist will probably ask you to rinse your mouth with warm salt water after you had your tooth pulled.
Use of garlic can also provide immense relief from a toothache. Garlic has antibiotic and other medicinal properties that can be very effective in reducing pain. You would need to grind a piece of garlic and mix it with table salt, and apply it to your tooth, or, if you can stomach the taste, just chew a bit of garlic on the affected side.
Raw onion
Onions have antiseptic and antimicrobial properties that control a toothache. It can provide relief from pain by killing the germs that cause infections. You can use onions to alleviate a toothache by directly chewing a piece of raw onion, or if the taste and burn are just too much for your tongue, just put a cut piece directly on the affected tooth.
There are a lot more home remedies that you can try, but these have been tried numerous times, and they work. It is important to remember, however, that these treatments provide only temporary relief of pain and do not treat the cause, for that you should visit your dentist and he can address the problem.
If you need a gentle, caring dental team, please call Jennifer Fineberg’s office at (623) 362-2550. We’ll give you the very best dental care we can!