Should you Get A Dental Implant

People can suffer from tooth loss due to decay, periodontal disease, or an accident. When you lose teeth due to one of the above reasons, there are different tooth replacement options available for damaged or missing teeth like dentures or a bridge. But a procedure that stands out, and is probably one of the most popular and preferred artificial tooth replacement solutions is a dental implant. 

What are dental implants?

An implant consists of a tiny titanium screw surgically inserted in the jawbone to act as an anchor or mount for replacement teeth. The dental implant procedure can replace one or multiple teeth.  

Why choose A dental implant?

If you have lost one or more teeth, and are looking for a long-term, secure, and comfortable tooth replacement option, dental implants are a worthy investment. Listed below are the top reasons why you should consider dental implants as an option:



A dental implant fuses to the bone, and looks, feels and functions like natural teeth. Activities like chewing, smiling, and speaking is done without any inconvenience. They preserve the facial structure and prevent bone deterioration, and make you look attractive and confident.

Long-term solution

Dental implants offer a long-lasting, stable, and reliable teeth replacement solution, as they are anchored directly to the jawbone. They have high durability and a higher success rate than other tooth replacement options. It makes them an affordable solution in the long run. 

Preserves neighboring teeth

Traditional tooth replacement options use neighboring teeth for support, causing them to decay and become weak. A dental implant maintains bone density and integrity and does not stress the surrounding natural teeth.


Implants from titanium are strong, durable, and resistant to decay. It requires no special care. Brush and floss them daily, and visit the dentist for a regular professional examination. This will prevent the risk of any gum diseases to make sure that the implants last a lifetime.


Removable dentures cause many inconveniences like sore spots, slipping, and can make daily activities challenging and embarrassing. Also, dentures need to remove them at night, and over the years, they shrink or swell the gums. Dental implants are very comfortable and do not slip while eating or talking. They offer the freedom to enjoy all your favorite food without the fear of pain or embarrassment.

Prevents bone loss

Missing teeth cause loss of dental bone, facial sagging, premature aging, increased risk of dental fractures, and other oral health complications. Replacing the teeth with dental implants stabilizes and strengthens the bone and other tissues. It preserves your smile and makes you look young and beautiful.

Dental implants are the best choice for people of all ages with no pre-existing medical conditions. Implants improve quality of life, offer better comfort, and long-term value. They help you lead a regular life, and you won’t be able to differentiate between the natural and the implanted tooth. Consult a dentist to know more about dental implants and how they improve functionality.


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